Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hottest U.S. Constitution Signatory Hottie!

So... yeah... here's the thing. I was originally going to have a "Hottest Founding Father Hottie" and Thomas Jefferson was going to be that Hottie. I think my 11th grade American History teacher had something of a man-crush on Jefferson so I have been under the impression that he is a hottie ever since then. However, while doing research for my blog, the Founding Father that caught my eye in any group portraits was usually Alexander Hamilton. But then I'm not sure if Jefferson wasn't hot or if most of the images that exist of him are from when he was old. So rather than declaring either of them to be the Hottest Founding Father, I declare that Alexander Hamilton is the Hottest Signatory of the United States Constitution! Everyone wins! Except for the ugly people.

Alexander Hamilton had a super interesting life. He was born in the British West Indies to unmarried parents. When he was little his dad abandoned the family and he wasn't able to go to the Anglican schools on the island because he was a bastard child so he went to a private Jewish school. When he was either 11 or 13 his mom died. After that he went to Columbia University (then King's College), was the first Secretary of the Treasury, was involved in one of the first political sex scandals (he had an affair with a chick named Maria Reynolds and was blackmailed by her husband), and he died due to a mortal wound that was occasioned by a duel. Pretty interesting life all together.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hottest Declaration of Independence Signatory Hottie!

So, I almost did a completely different topic, but then I remembered what week it is. So for this week, I HAD to do the Hottest Hottie who signed the Declaration of Independence! And not only did he sign the Declaration of Independence, he also was the main author. It is of course... Thomas Jefferson!

I particularly find the image of him in a close-up profile on the nickel to be super hot. Sadly there are not all that many images of Jefferson as a young man, so we have to go by the paintings of him as an older guy... and he was a good looking old man. As well as a hot, lanky, red-headed young man... I assume.

Of course he was also an inventor and he designed Monticello and blah blah blah Louisiana Purchase blah blah. But, did you know that he was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.? And he wrote his own epitaph and didn't mention that he served as president. I really couldn't see our current president doing that, ya know? Ok, and i don't know how else to explain this so just I pulled this from the POTUS website: "Bears brought back from Lewis and Clark's famous expedition were displayed in cages on the White House lawn. For years the White House was sometimes referred to as the 'president's bear garden.'"
So there's that. Thomas Jefferson: Hottie and Bear Collector.